The New York Times: Seeking a Distinctive Sound for People of a Certain Age

by Stuart Elliott

NEVER mind the Zen conundrum about the sound of one hand clapping. What is the sound of the organization that bills itself as the voice of older Americans?

Consumers will find out soon as a result of an innovative agreement between AARP, the organization formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, and DMI Music and Media Solutions in Pasadena, Calif. DMI, which works for marketers like Coca-Cola, Kellogg, Mattel, Procter & Gamble, Target, Toyota and United Airlines, has been hired to develop a strategy to make music and sound part of the AARP brand.

The assignment is meant to help AARP build stronger ties with its 36.4 million members as well as enhance its appeal to potential members — particularly those in the enormous baby-boom generation, born between 1946 and 1964, for whom music has been an essential element of their lives.

The assignment shows how marketers are going beyond the visual to take more interest in the aural aspect of brands, often referred to as "the sound of brand." Sound-branding extends beyond traditional efforts like jingles in radio or television advertising, which can be perceived as too commercialized.

Intel, for instance, may be better known for its "Intel inside" musical signature than for its microchips. Retailers like Gap, Starbucks and Williams-Sonoma sell millions of CD's each year that offer shoppers customized compilations of songs meant to complement corporate brand images.

Movies released by the Warner Brothers unit of Time Warner start with an excerpt from "As Time Goes By," the song featured in the studio's 1942 film "Casablanca." And Umpqua Bank, part of Umpqua Holdings, is sponsoring a project called Discover Local Music — developed by Rumblefish, an agency in Portland, Ore. — which includes an online music store (

"It's a recognition that pop culture is an intrinsic part of every American's life, and music makes up a huge part of that," said Alex Moulton, creative director at Expansion Team in New York, a company that produces music for commercials, Web sites and video games for advertisers like Best Buy and Comedy Central.

"Sonic branding is about getting something that sticks in someone's head and is not going away," Mr. Moulton said, offering as an example the distinctive sound heard during episodes of the NBC drama series "Law & Order."

"Even if you're not watching or not paying attention, you hear that sound and you know it's 'Law & Order,' " Mr. Moulton said.

DMI is exploring a range of initiatives for AARP. They could include helping select the music to be heard in AARP advertising; marketing a line of "Happy Birthday" enhanced CD's, featuring music video clips, photographs and links to Web sites; developing a service for AARP members to download music and podcasts; organizing touring music festivals to be sponsored by AARP; and creating an audio AARP logo like those for "Law & Order" and Intel.

"Organizations need to forge emotional connections with members, and what more powerful way is there than music?" asked Rick Bowers, director for creative initiatives at AARP in Washington.

"Baby boomers especially have a long-term connection to music," he added, "and we want to be contemporary and speak their language."

Of the AARP membership, about 10 million are from the baby-boom generation, Mr. Bowers said. Boomers born in 1956 or earlier are eligible to join AARP, which extends memberships to Americans aged 50 and over.

At the same time, Mr. Bowers said, AARP wants its sound and music branding "to be representative of all our members" and potential members, not only those from the baby-boom years.

Tena Clark, chief executive and chief creative officer at DMI, said that she did not intend to make assumptions about the musical preferences of boomers.

"This is not taking for granted that every baby boomer likes music only from the 60's, 70's and 80's," Ms. Clark said, adding that one idea would be to "take the focus off age and be just about great music."

For instance, AARP might become involved with contemporary artists, Ms. Clark said, telling its members "if you like so-and-so, you'll like Joss Stone," a 19-year-old British singer known for her throaty vocals.

"To create loyalty, you have to build through consistency," she added, so in developing programs for AARP the goal would be to steer clear of "one-offs, following fads, chasing this or that new artist."

And that loyalty works both ways, Ms. Clark said, meaning that performers should want a relationship with AARP rather than just to "sign with whoever is going to promote their music."

"I'm not saying music is the end-all," Ms. Clark said, "but it's an important piece to help show there's a new AARP."

DMI is among several agencies with which AARP works. Others include GSD&M in Austin, Tex., part of the Omnicom Group, which creates general advertising, and another Omnicom unit, Siegel & Gale in New York, a brand identity consulting agency.

The idea that AARP is becoming involved with aural branding could inspire some jests, perhaps along the lines that whatever DMI creates for the organization ought to be very loud.

The response to that from Mr. Bowers of AARP was a laugh, followed by "No comment."

Ms. Clark, tongue firmly in cheek, suggested that the sound could be "my 70-something mother calling me."

"That's what I love about this," she said, explaining that she wants to work to change "the misperception out there" about AARP and its members.

Read the article here.


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